Let God Have Control – John Favel
June 27, 2017

Let God Have Control

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore nothought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matthew 6:33-34.)

We who have given our lives to Jesus Christ must remember that our God is always with us. And that we should live not as the world lives, but by faith. Faith is more precious than silver or gold. With faith, all things are possible and without it we can accomplish nothing for the work of the Lord. Jesus is always looking for men and women who will believe Him and trust Him for the control of their lives. It is a wonderful feeling to know that God has everything under control. That there is absolutely nothing in our lives that happens that He does not know about. This is our victory over the world, the devil, and over our own nature.

There are many in the Bible who had what seemed extraordinary faith and the Bible calls them men of like passions as us. They were confronted with problems in their lives, but they looked beyond the immediate moment knowing that the maker of Heaven and Earth had control of the situation that they were in. They let their faith lead them and direct what they did in those tough situations.

Abraham relinquished control of his life and He became the father of the faithful. Abraham was called a friend of God. Even though he was called a friend of God he still had many trials in his life. Some of these he did well in and in others he failed. Abraham realized that if he would relinquish control of his life to God and walk by faith that he would be victorious.

God called David a man after His own heart. David learned at a young age that even giants could be destroyed by faith if he would only relinquish control of his life to God. Our lives are no different than Abraham or David. These were ordinary men who were willing to give control of their lives to God. It is the ordinary man or woman that can do extraordinary things by faith. God has set our lives in motion the way He wants them to be. God wants us to understand that we need faith to succeed in our lives. “And this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”(I John 5:4.)

For my King and His Kingdom

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