God Is Still Looking For Men – John Favel
July 12, 2017

God is Still Looking for Men

Noah was a man that God used to save the entire race of mankind.God gave him a plan to carry out so Noah might accomplish this task, but it was Noah’s decision to follow or not to follow thatplan. (Genesis 6:1-22) “Thus did Noah; according to all that Godcommanded him, so did he.” Genesis 6:22

God, in achieving His purpose, has always used a man. Not necessarily a noble man, nor a brilliant man, but always a man, with the capacity for growing with faith and obedience. I remember reading a passage by D.L. Moody who was an evangelist, whom God used in the mid-19th century, to bring tens of thousands of people to repentance. He said, “The world has yet to see what God will do with a man who is totally and completelysurrendered into His hands.” I added something to that. “The world has yet to see what God will do with, through and for the man of God who is completely surrendered into His hands.”

It is no secret that strong churches are built by strong men of Christian faith who act as head of their households, giving God the glory. God is looking for men. He has looked for them for 6,000 years and there is almost no limit to the things that God will do with a surrendered man. Do you want to be used of God? There is no barrier that God cannot overcome if you seriously desire to be used of God. Your heredity, your education, your race, or your environment are not a hindrance. God wants you to be you. If you just surrender your life into His hands he will do the work that He wants to do through you for His glory. You can’t be an Abraham and you can’t be a David and you can’t be a Paul, but you can be you. The Bible says that the men of faith, were men of like passion. They were like us. They were men of ordinary faith whom God made and used in extraordinary ways.

We all pass through the same difficulties and we make it throughby the grace that God gives to us. God is still looking for men,surrendered men. These surrendered men are like diamonds. A diamond’s beauty is brought out through careful cuts that are made on its surface. Then it must be polished. The final productshows the shine, the color, the luster and the beauty of the stone. God shapes us by cutting away things we don’t need and polishes us as we go through situations in our lives. It is then that we can show the glory of God. God is still looking formen. Will you answer the challenge?

For my King and His Kingdom

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