Does God Need Us? – John Favel
August 4, 2017

Does Jesus Need Us?

When we think about the all mighty God, who created the heavens and the earth, we wonder, what possible needs could God have? Someone once said, “It’s lonely at the top.” God created man because He wanted to have fellowship with Him. He created human beings to love and worship Him. We were created in God’s image, so just as He has emotions, He’s given them to us.

In the Old Testament, we read how God gave everything that He could to His people and yet they forsook Him, turned their backs on Him and worshiped idols. This must have hurt God terribly. But those who had a close walk with Him were quite different. Abraham was called the friend of God. Not only did he have faith when he offered up Isaac, he had love for God. He believed God would do the things He said He would do. He’d walked with God through valleys and trials, and he loved the Lord unconditionally. And the Lord loved Abraham. The Bible says concerning David, that he was a man after God’s own heart. A man who sought God out, wanted to know about God, who put God first and loved Him.

God does have need of us. We do not like it when someone calls on us just because they want something from us. Most of the time, if we are able, we will supply their need. But this kind of relationship is one sided. True relationships are give and take on both sides. Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Did He mean put God first in tithe and offerings only or did He mean get close to God, talk to God, become a friend of God? God is waiting to hear from you, He wants to have a relationship with you. When you worship, and feel the Holy Ghost it is God pouring out His emotions upon you. He is showing you how much He loves you and shouldn’t we do the same in return for Him. Jesus suffered and died that He might fill heaven with people He could have fellowship with.

The Bible says, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. Don’t just ask for things but get to know God, talk to Him, build a relationship with Him. When you do this, you will find yourself becoming more like Jesus than you ever had before. It isn’t that there are going to be so many sinners that stand before God on judgement day, but that there will be so many strangers. Don’t be a stranger to God.

For My King and His Kingdom

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