No Big “I” or Little “You”
“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.” (1 Corinthians 12:18)
The Bible teaches that each of us has a place prepared according to His perfect will. We have nothing to boast in save our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this the Church is not like the world, none of us is any higher than anyone else. We all need each other.
I am reminded of a story that took place during the Revolutionary war where the Colonial forces were desperately short of supplies. They needed every wagon that could make it to the front lines as soon as it could possibly get there. As the wagons headed for the front line, the wheel of one fell into a pothole. A sergeant took a private that was nearby and began to give him orders to get the wagon wheel out of the pothole. As the private struggled to get the wheel out the sergeant continued to yell at him.
Then along came a man on a horse and asked the sergeant, “Why don’t you help him? Can’t you see that the young man needs help if he is ever going to remove the wagon wheel from the pothole?”
The sergeant replied, “You don’t know very much, I’m a sergeant, I don’t do that type of work. And if you think he needs help why don’t you get down and help him yourself?”
With that the man got down from his horse and proceeded to help the private. With the two of them working together the wheel was soon removed from the hole. As the man mounted his horse and was about to leave he told the private, “Son, if you ever need help and I’m in the neighborhood you can always call on me.” The private asked, “Who are you, sir?” The reply came back, “I’m General George Washington,” and he rode away. No doubt that sergeant looked at his rank a little differently after that.
There are no big “I”s and no little “you”s in the church. God has places us all in His body as it pleased Him. For the church to move forward we all must put our shoulder to the wheel.
For My King and His Kingdom