Hello – Lindsay Schmidt
August 17, 2018

Fear. It can cripple us and make us afraid of everything. We are afraid of leaving our houses, driving our cars, we keep a close eye on our children, we fear getting lost, we even fear other people. The media, the news, the radio it all talks about why we should be afraid of this stuff. Why we need to live in fear just going to the grocery store. You don’t even have to leave your house to be in danger of something happening. I’m going to touch on the people subject. Let’s talk people.

God made people. He gave those people, aka me, you, and everyone else around us, a free will to be great, good, decent, bad, mean, angry, happy, approachable, kind. We have the choice. God made us all in His image. Does that mean that everyone we encounter is kind and smiley? No. We wake up everyday and have the free will to decide whether we are going to be happy that day and walk in joy and peace or if we will walk with regret, disdain, envy, hate, and jealousy. However someone else decides to live their day shouldn’t change the way you should live yours. The enemy likes to use fear to creep in and cripple us taking our daily joy, that is, if we let it.

I was talking with my husband the other day. I told him how God checked me. See I was sitting in a family waiting room at the hospital and in walks a young man with sagging shorts, shaggy hair, a backwards hat, and no smile on his face. It was only myself and my 9 month old daughter in the room with him. So of course my guard goes up a little. My motherly instincts kick into full gear and I feel a slight fear creep inside me. (Trust me I know this is silly, I mean come on, I’m a child of The King), but fear has a way of doing that to us. So I’m sitting there watching my little Norah playing on the floor while this young man gets a cup of coffee behind me. I choose not to say a word to him and instead choose to act like he didn’t just enter the room. After a minute, he goes to grab the door to open it but before he does, he looks at Norah with the biggest smile and says “she’s so beautiful.” I turn around and say “thank you so much.” Immediately I felt a check in my spirit that maybe I should have been the one to approach him with a kind “hello” or how could i just assume he was an angry young man with nothing kind inside him. I don’t have any idea what situation he was going through. Maybe he had a child in the ICU just like me and just needed a kind hello to make his day a little brighter.

There are a million “what if’s” to any given situation. But God has called his children, us, to be a light in this world. That means not living in fear and doubt, but being a light, bringing joy, a smile, love, a kind word to a person who may not get that or know God. The world may tell you to put up your guard and walk in fear because it lurks around every corner, but God tells us in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. We should not be afraid of anything in this world. “Fear Not” is a phrase mentioned 80 times in the Bible. There is a reason for that. God wants to tell us, then remind us again and again that we shall not fear what is in this world. Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9.

Wherever we go, we do not need to be afraid. Whatever we see, we should not be afraid. Whoever we meet, we should not be afraid. As God’s children we should walk with a peace and a power within us that is bold. We are different. We shine a different light wherever we go. We have the power, given from God, to be the light in someone’s life. So if that means us taking the first step and saying a kind “hello” first, then do it. Do it with a kind heart. Roman’s 8:38-39 says, For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Walk down the street, walk into your classroom, your workplace, your favorite cafe, the grocery store, wherever you go, walk with your head held high, a smile on your face, and a boldness in your heart that God is with you. God is within you if you allow him to be. God is your defender and there is no greater gift than the gift of peace when you realize that He has your life in his hands. So let it show. Let your light shine. Wear it like a crown upon your head. Command the fear that tries to creep in to leave because there is no place for it within you and live your life as an example of Gods goodness and love in you. I know one thing, the next time I come across a person the brings the fear out in me, I’m going to put on my brightest smile, look them in the face and say a loving “hello.”

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