As people, we have this thing inside of us that just needs an answer, the answer to the question “What am I supposed to do with my life?” Some learn early, others learn later on in life that we have that answer already given to us. You can find it in our word. The truth. It says in Jeremiah 1:5, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations. See that is it, we are to go out into this world filled with people who are lost, those who do not know God, don’t know His truth, and we are to speak about His goodness and His saving power. We have the truth of what to speak at our fingertips and God goes before us to prepare the way for us, all we have to do is go and talk to someone. Tell them that they too can be saved. Help them. Then, go and do it again for someone else. Give people the only answer they are searching for. God is that missing puzzle piece.
There are elders who have gone before us who have paved the way for us. All those people we read about in the bible, they were a part of this same calling. They put in the work to leading the lost to be saved. They preached the word, spoke the word, shared the word, all around the world. We are to look to their example and do the same. However, we tend to get preoccupied by the things in our life. We have so much going on in our daily lives that we push God’s calling to the side. Even though it is our true calling. When we don’t follow after those who have gone before us in order to reach the harvest, we are letting them down. We are losing time, wasting time. Time that they used wisely.
We must realize that our greatest calling is from God himself. Don’t waste any time on things that will soon pass away. The things of this earth will all be left here on Earth. The one thing that will not is souls. Souls will all go somewhere. Every single one. God wants every soul to come to Him and He wants to say “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” But if we, His chosen people, are wasting our time every day doing other less meaningful things, then those people, the ones we are supposed to reach, won’t make it into heaven. Let us show compassion for the souls of our brothers and sisters. Let us continue in the work of the elders who have gone before us. Don’t let God’s work end with you. Be a part of this God movement. If you choose not to do your part, God will find someone who will. Don’t be the person that loses out on something as amazing as a calling from God. Link arms with your brothers and sisters and begin a work together. Carry each other. Luke 10:2 says, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. God calls us to be examples to those who don’t know him yet, to be a light. He makes this clear in Matthew 28:20, Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. God does not leave us alone in this calling. He walks each step of the way with us. Leading us. Preparing the people. Preparing their hearts. We just need to answer the call and get on board.