I was born on October 18th, 1991. If you do the math, that means I have been alive for 236,520 hours or 14,191,200 minutes or 851,472,000 seconds. Time. To us here on earth it means so much. It could mean life or death. It could mean a good impression or a bad one. We use time for everything in our life: appointments, games, schedules, celebrations, births, deaths. We place such worth on time. But what if there was no time? What if time never existed? Psalm 90:4 says this, For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. God dwells in a place where there is no restriction of time. We take time and make life one big race and the other racers are those around us: our friends, our family, someone we don’t even know. We look at the people around us and compare where they are to ourselves and we get down and depressed or we get angry and envious at what they have or where they are in life. It may seem like they are ahead of us in life or succeeding when we aren’t. But we don’t take the time to learn their background. At face, someone who is the CEO of a company may seem like they got to that place easily. But in reality it took years and years of hard work, long nights and determination to get to the place they are at.
Take a look into my life for a moment with me. I am 27. I got married to my wonderful husband at 19. Moved from Ohio to Illinois. Then, we had our first baby, Cohen, at the age of 22. We bought our first house just before our little girl norah came along 2.5 years later. Eric and I have now been married for 7 years. Oh and we finally got a dog 6 months ago. Now some may look at my life and say “yep, she has it all, a house, two kids, one girl ,one boy, a dog. She is living the american dream and she’s so young!” And some may look at my life and say “Wow she got a house only a year ago! And she already has two kids? Why is she rushing?” You can look at my life and say either of those and not know what I went through during those years that have gotten me to where I am today. But all along, I was exactly on the time schedule God wanted me to be on. I had no intention of getting married so young. I wanted to graduate college and begin my dream career of being a book editor and writer, then meet my husband. God had other plans. But I am positive that God knew that I needed Eric to get me through some things in my life. So He placed Eric in my life at the perfect time. The point I want to make is this: when we place our time limits, our time restrictions, our timelines in the hands of the creator, the One who has no limits of time, He will direct our lives perfectly. Does that mean life will be easy? No, but it means we trust in God and he will take that trust and faith and carry us through this life with no limits. When we try to layout our lives ourselves we tend to set restrictions for ourselves even though we might not know we are doing it. Look at Jonah’s life, God told him to go to the city of Nineveh and where did he go? He chose to go to Tarshish instead. He went against God and where he needed to be. But God taught him a lesson about obedience by having a giant fish swallow him. Jonah saw in the time he was in the belly of the fish that he was trying to do things his way instead of Gods and God needed him to guide the people of Nineveh. So the fish spit Jonah out and he goes to the city of Nineveh and preaches God’s word. Now, is God going to have a giant fish swallow us up everytime we do our own thing? No, he gave us free will. However, having patience and trusting that God’s timing is always better than ours will get us to the place we need to be and when we need to be there.
This blog is not about me telling you to go through your house and throw away all your clocks. I am wanting to help someone who is looking at their life and saying “I am not where I want to be right now” and I am asking that person “are you following God’s timing or your own?” I want that person to have a time of self-examination of their life and decide that where they are, as long as it’s with God, is perfect. And if you are not in God’s timing, that’s okay, you can change today. You can make the choice to follow God rather than your own agenda. Throw away any thoughts and views towards another person’s life because you never know how they got to where they are. Judge no one. Only look at your own life and how you can continue to grow yourself. Remember, time means nothing to God.
He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.