A Faithful God – Lindsay Schmidt
November 2, 2018

Imagine with me for a minute…

You are living your life. Waking up everyday, taking care of your children and husband, going about your life happily. You go to a normal yearly check up with your doctor and find out you have a terminal illness. Your life is turned upside down. You begin to think of all the things that you need to get done before you go, all the things you didn’t get to do, the moments you will miss with your children and husband. You begin to weep and go into prayer asking God to heal you. When you go into your follow-up appointment a week later, your sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to walk in and when he finally does you notice that he’s not your doctor at all. This gentleman walks in and tells you “you are healed, you may live your life happily knowing you are healthy.” You realize that you have just had a miracle encounter with God. How do you react? After reading this are you thinking to yourself ‘this would be amazing but it would never happen?’ Or are you thinking ‘sounds like something from the bible but times have changed.’ If those are the thoughts running through your mind then let me tell you what the bible says, God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

That means that what He did in the bible, He can do for you in your life today. If we would only believe that He can and will. If you look in the bible you will find story after story of encounters just like this one where God heals a person on the spot. He saw their faith and acted on it. Mark 5:34 tells of a girl who has an issue of blood for 12 years. She sought him out. She knew he would be in a certain place and she made herself go to that place. She touched only the hem of his garment and God responds “Daughter thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” If we are wanting a healing, we must have the faith that God can do it and place ourselves in the place of healing. Since God is everywhere, because he is omnipresent, it isn’t hard to seek him out, all we have to do is lift up a prayer. When God walks into a room, when God’s presence enters a space, there is no illness that he can’t heal. There is no pain that can’t be stopped. No heart that cannot be changed.

Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus lay dead for four days before Jesus got to him. Mary and Martha had lost hope. They had come to terms with the death of their brother. But God. But God walked in and said “Lazarus, come forth.” And Lazarus lived. But between the death of Lazarus and the raising of Lazarus, there is a conversation between jesus and martha. She says “Lord by this time he stinketh: for he hath been dead for four days” and Jesus responds with this: “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” That’s all it takes, belief, faith. God can do it today. In your life. There are miracles happening all over the world by the grace of God. People are believing and lifting up prayers to God and he is responding to their faith. Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. If you believe that God can and will heal you of whatever it is you may be facing in your life and you believe that God is with you and will not leave you, as he says in his word, and his word does not lie, for God cannot lie, then you can have hope that he will make a way in your situation. Have hope. Live your life in hope of a miracle. When you’re in need, God will walk into your life and show himself true.

He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.

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