A New Year, A New Chapter – Lindsay Schmidt
December 28, 2018

As we come to the closing of another year, be sure to take time and reflect on all your life was over the last 12 months. As I look back over the past year, this is what my memory will remember:

I started 2018 making a promise between myself and God that I will say “yes” to anything and everything God asks of me. In doing so, I started working with a new company, made new friends, started writing from my heart and sharing via social media, that turned into me writing this blog for my wonderful church. I no longer work for the company I started working with, my family and I went through a traumatic car accident that left us forever changed (we came out the other side of that better than we were before), I picked up a side gig babysitting to help with finances, I started school for counseling, and I am ending the year praying for my husband to find a new job. I don’t say this all for pity or for any other reason than to make my point. At the beginning of the year, I was at an all-time high! Growing spiritually in God, reading his word, making new friends, and starting new adventures. I now have been through experiences that have forever changed me. Some experiences were so wonderful, others not so much. However, life is about going through both and challenging ourselves to be better on the other side no matter what. Through the bad and the good experiences, God never faltered, he never left, I didn’t feel lonely, or down, didn’t lose my hope or faith in God. Actually, I feel my faith and hope has grown throughout this year exponentially. That is life. Right there in a nutshell. We will go through the best times of our lives and feel joy resonating from our very pores, then, we will go through times that we feel we may not be strong enough to handle, but we are. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:13: there hath no temptation taken hold of you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful; He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. there is nothing that we go through in all of our days that we cannot handle. He knows what we as individuals can handle and makes a way for us to get through it and he doesn’t leave us alone in it.

In 2019, I want to continue this crazy life with God by my side to endure the great experiences and the terrible ones. Whatever He has planned for this next chapter I will say “yes” and know that no matter what may come, I am not alone in it. I hope to link arms with some people who will do the same this year. Let’s not get knocked off our feet so easily by what the enemy may try to do to take us out. He is stuck where he is for all eternity and simply wants some company. Don’t let him get the best of you. Remember that life will happen, sickness will come and go, we may lose souls, we may make new friends, start new adventures, end some adventures, pick up new hobbies, but no matter what life brings, we can stand firm in knowing that our God will not and cannot change and neither does his word. Stand firm in the truths and keep your faith. Stay hopeful always, for without hope, we will lack joy. Let life happen, let God happen. Happy New Year Everyone!

He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.

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