Final words. They can mean the world to the people left behind by the person who says them. I have thought once or twice about last words and what mine might be when that time comes or whether or not I will even have the chance to say them. We just never know. Some use their last breath to utter their loved ones names, while others simply want to make those around them smile, so they say something funny, and others use their final breath to leave something behind, a legacy, a thought-provoking phrase, a message to spread love wherever we go in the world. Here are final words from people who have “done something” in the world:
Sir Isaac Newton’s final words were “I don’t know what I may seem to the world. But as to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
Leonardo da Vinci: “I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.”
Harriet Tubman died with her family surrounding her and they all sang together. Her final words were: “Swing low, sweet chariot.”
Final words can show the world the kind of person you were during your life, leaving the world with thoughts of your character and heart. On this day, Good Friday, many many years ago, a man hung on a cross after being beaten, dying in agony and wrongly accused. He came to this earth an innocent. He went on to guide, teach, listen, love, and to be an example. After hanging on the cross, he breaths in the best he could to get the air in his lungs enough to say his final words; “It is finished” (John 19:30). See, Jesus knew His end before He even decided to robe himself in flesh and come down to this earth. He knew what his life would look like, that there would be many who would turn their back on him, hate him, and then eventually hang him on a cross. But, He came anyways. He lived a life that is commendable and left a legacy that will live on forever. He died so that we, me and you, could be forgiven. We sin daily, we all do, and those sins can be forgiven because He chose to die for us. His final words “It is finished” He spoke them because He had done it. He had made a way for us. Finished the work He came to this earth to fulfill. Those words are the most meaningful words because they speak to everyone in the world. There is not one person He left out. It was finished all those years ago for everyone.
He died for us, finished what he started, but the story doesn’t stop there! The greatest part is that after three days in the tomb, He rose! He rose so that we may have a relationship with Him! The King of kings and Lord of lords! Today we celebrate Him and his life. The one He willingly gave for us so that our sins may be forgiven and we can live a better life and one beautiful day be called into heaven to spend eternity with Him.
Understand today the significance of Jesus’ actions. He died and made a way for you to be forgiven for the things you do wrong. He wants you to live the best life, so he rose again after his death in order that we may have His guidance, His love, His words, everyday. He didn’t live a life and die and leave us only with the memory of Him. He rose again so that we may have a God that is ALIVE. One we can have a conversation with. Choose to talk with Him. He wants you to. Choose to ask Him questions. To ask for help. He died and rose again so that we could do these things. So that we can live a life of joy and light. Today be thankful for a God who cares for you so much that he would die for you. Today be thankful for those final words “It Is Finished!”
He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.