In His Footsteps – Lindsay Schmidt
March 30, 2021

As Easter is right around the corner, I wanted to touch on something Jesus did that is profound, in his last days with his disciples. After eating the last supper with his disciples, Jesus got a bowl of water and began washing the feet of the disciples. This act was one that the slaves would perform for the guest before eating dinner. But here we have Jesus, God in flesh, performing an act that was usually performed by slaves unto guests. We have to understand that at this point in time, Jesus knew he was to die. He was going to die for our sins and although He knew He would rise again, Jesus did not want to go through it. In John 12:27 we see that Jesus says, “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.” Jesus acknowledged that he was frightened of what was to come unto him, the pain he would endure, the suffering, all this would come from the cross. And He would do this all for us in order for our sins to be forgiven. But in his apprehension of the cross and what was to come, he knelt down before each disciple to wash their feet, one by one. 


The act of washing another’s feet was done in order as an act of hospitality. In a lot of Palestinian places, they wear sandals therefore their feet would get very dirty. As an act of kindness and in order to show humility and love for the guest, the owner of the home or a slave would wash the feet of the guest. Jesus was neither a guest nor a slave. Yet He got down on his knees in order to wash his followers’ feet. He did this in order to be an example unto us, his followers. He wanted us to know how important it is to love and respect one another as brothers and sister of the church. He wanted us to follow in his footsteps. It is so very important to have unity one with another, to show love, respect and honor to your fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. Too often we let little things get in our way. Too often we are guilty of speaking gossip and unkind words toward one another. If Jesus, in his last hours on this earth, knowing his eminent death was coming, could get down on his hands and knees and wash the feet of those twelve disciples, then we as followers of Christ should be able to humble ourselves, lovingly accept everyone that God has brought into our lives and respect one another. If we can do this, then we will be able to worship with one another, help one another, lift up one another, and follow Christ side by side. That is why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. In his last hours, He made it a point to show humility, kindness, and love. 


Whose feet do you need to wash today? Who do you need to seek out in order to apologize to? Who have you wronged? Who have you been unkind to? Who have you hurt? If you are thinking of someone right now, if someone is coming into your mind, then go to them, make things right, humble yourself before them. There is no time, no room, and no need for anger, disrespect, hurt, and pain to be between a brother and a sister in the Lord. We have been taught how to love one another. We have had the example of a King show us how to do that. We, if we call ourselves followers of Christ, should be able to love unconditionally. 


After washing their feet, Jesus was accused, beaten, hung on a cross and died, not only for his disciples who followed him, but for you and me. For the stranger at the grocery store. For the single mother. For the broken and battered. For the drug addict on the corner of the street. For the friend who hurt you. For all of us. And if Jesus could go through all he went through in order for us to be saved, then it is our reasonable service, our calling, to love as He loves. Reach as He reaches. See as He sees. Go where He goes. In His footsteps. 


He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.

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