The Art Of Outreach – Lindsay Schmidt
August 13, 2021

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

Mark 16:15

This is what the twelve disciples were commanded by God. If you were not aware, we are Gods disciples now. We have been created to go into all the world and tell everyone about God and His works. It is a command that we have been created to carry out not just for a year or maybe 5 years but every day that we are on this earth. That word preach in the verse above simply means to tell, to speak. So, if you have breath in your lungs, you can carry out this command. Now, let’s talk about expectations. It is wonderful to be positive and believe that every single person you outreach to, whether you’re inviting them to church or teaching them a bible study, if each of them believed and began a new life in Christ from that moment on. I think that would be the best outcome, right? But the chance of that happening is probably not so high. You will meet people from all different backgrounds and living all different lives and not all that you speak to will have an open heart for what you have to say.  It’s sad, but true. However, you will meet some who are hungry for the words that you have to say. These people may have been down some rough roads and have been searching for some truth in their lives. Maybe they have tried it their way and nothing has worked out for them and the moment you speak to them, is the moment they are fed up and ready to give God a try. You never know. But God does. God knows exactly who to send you to, who you need to talk to, who needs to hear the word you have for them, and God knows the perfect time for this to happen. For these types of moments to happen though, we as God’s disciples must be prepared. We must be ready for God to place us in these moments and be ready to share an encouraging word or give our testimony that will speak to someone who’s been needing to hear that they aren’t alone. Being ready means, we must be in prayer in the morning, telling God that we want His will for our day, that we want Him to direct our path, to guide us, and to lead us to those who need Him. This simple prayer and really meaning it, could make all the difference. 


God will use those who are willing to be used. 


Outreach looks different for all of us. Some of us have outgoing and upbeat personalities that will speak to people who are ready for change now. Some of us are shyer and quieter but we can speak to someone who needs a moving testimony. Some of us are bold and can ask the right questions in a way that will receive an answer. Some of us are children and can speak to other children. Some of us are widows who can speak into the lives of the lonely. If your happily married but it wasn’t always that way and God brought you through, you can speak to someone. If you are a teenager who has been through more than what any teenager should go through, you can speak to someone. See, all of us can be used. That’s why God created each of us different, so we can all speak to someone different. If God wanted only one type of person in this world, He would have made it so. Since there are so many different personalities in the world, there are limitless ways to reach them. Sometimes, outreach looks like going door to door inviting everyone to church. Sometimes it’s a short conversation in the grocery store that brings someone to church. Sometimes it’s a prayer meeting. Sometimes it’s a healing that makes someone believe. Sometimes it’s your testimony that pulls a lost soul into the light. No matter how it happens, God will open the door if we are ready to be used and are willing to preach the gospel. 


No matter who you are, God can use you to outreach. No matter how you choose to allow God to use you, He will. And even if not every person you speak to or invite to church actually come, someone will. And that someone is worth every effort. God said that if we have 100 sheep and one goes astray, we are to leave the 99 and go after the one (Matthew 18:12). You know why He made sure that was in the bible? Because every ONE matters. That one could be the next evangelist or Sunday school teacher, or music leader, or pastor or preacher or soul winner. You never know. But God does and He will lead you.


Outreach is never a wasted effort. God will always make it worth every minute you put into it. 


Go into your streets today and reach the lost.


He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings. 


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