A New Beginning – John Favel

A New Beginning In this hustle bustle, fast paced, non-stop world that we live in, there comes a time in our lives when we need to stop and reflect on our past accomplishments. We need to take inventory of our lives and see just where we’re going. God gives us...

The First Christmas Tree – John Favel

The First Christmas Tree I heard this true story on the radio and would like to share it with you. This is the story about how the first real Christmas tree came about. It was around the year 675, in a village that had just had a terrible winter storm. The people had...

Light Your Candle – John Favel

Light Your Candle Psalms 18:28 “For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.” Jehovah God is the light of heaven, an actual light, a sun, if you will, that lights heaven. The Bible says in I Timothy 1:6, “Who only hath immortality,...

Thank You Lord – John Favel

Thank You Lord “That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.” (Ps 26:7 [KJV]) Thank you Lord for looking down from heaven and seeing the plight of mankind, lost in their sin and eternally separated from You. Thank...

Persecution – John Favel

Persecusion For more than 200 years this country has enjoyed the blessings of freedom and openness of religious liberty. But the signs are showing that our freedoms are rapidly changing. The Bible tells us that evil men and seducers are going to wax worse and worse in...

Where Is Your Stability? – John Favel

Where is your Stability? When I was in the Navy I was stationed for a time in San Francisco. I attended school on an island beneath the Golden Gate bridge, and the Oakland Bay bridge. Suddenly one day, the earth began to shake. My feet were shaking, the desk was...
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