blue island campus

pastor Ron & annette Kent

I was raised on the south side of Chicago and moved to the south suburbs in my early adult years. It was during this time that I had a life changing experience through repentence,  baptism in Jesus Name, and being filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost in 2007. Since that time I have dedicated my life to serving God and loving people. In 2017, I felt a call of God to start a church in Blue Island. Over the next five years my wife and I taught multiple Bible studies in our home, magnifying our overwhelming burden for the city of Blue Island. With the support of our pastor and church family, we have launched the Blue Island Campus.

My wife Annette and our 4 beautiful children Marissa, Olivia, Rebecca, and Joshua join me as we walk by faith serving Blue Island. We are both humbled and grateful to be used by God in the great city of Blue Island. We continue to trust in the Lord as he adds to the church daily.

Service Times:

Sunday: 230pm Prayer | 3pm Service
Tuesday: 7pm Community Groups
Wednesday: 530 pm Ablaze Youth biweekly | 7pm Ladies Group Monthly


Sunday: 2440 York St. Blue Island, IL, 60406
Tuesday: Call for location
Wednesday: 2440 York St, Blue Island, IL 60406

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