As I was praying the other day, I just began to thank God for all the things in my life. My family, my husband and my children. Our home, to shelter us. Our car, to get us where we need to go. I thanked Him for protection and for provision. I thanked Him for the relationships I have in my life, the friendships, the church family. I thanked Him for our health and the joy we feel everyday. For His mercy and forgiveness that is new every morning. I continued thanking Him like this for a while. Then, I remembered how we had been faced with some trials in our lives recently and how we got through it. I thought about this for a minute and realized that I didn’t see how we got through it, I don’t know what happened when I wasn’t looking, all I knew was that we made it through. God had been working on our behalf in places we could not see with our human eyes.
There is so much that goes on beyond our human eyes that we should be thanking God for right along with giving Him thanks for the things we see Him doing in our lives. We cannot see them but they are happening. God works in so many ways in our lives. There are things happening in the spirit that we cannot see. Satan is working his work in the spirit realm, God is shifting and moving in the spirit realm. We may only see the outcome of the moving of God. When we pray we must have faith that whether what we pray for happens or not, God knows more than us what is happening and is working on our behalf.
You know those times when your trying to get to work on time and you get into your car, start driving down the road, then you realize you forgot your purse or your wallet and so you have to turn around, go back home and get them? In those moments we may feel frustrated that we will now be running a little late to work but God may be working, God may be keeping you from an accident that He knows is going to happen.
Let’s look at the story of Elisha. In 2 Kings chapter 6 we see the story of the King of Aram that didn’t like that the prophet Elisha could see all of his plans so he sent an army of soldiers to surround Elisha and his servant. When Elisha’s servant woke up and saw that they were surrounded by an army waiting to kill them, he asked Elisha “what shall we do?” Elisha responded “do not be afraid for those that are with us are more than those that are with them (2 Kings 6:16-17). Elisha then prays that God would open his servants eyes so that he may see. Elisha’s servant then sees the hills full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. His eyes were opened and he was able to see how God protected them. If we can have faith and endure through the hard times with the thought that God is doing something amazing even when we cannot see it, then we will be able to walk through life knowing that no matter what tries to come against us, God will always do His part to protect us in ways that we can see and in ways that we cannot see.
Through this realization I have had recently, I am able to walk with new faith and have no fear. When I know that God is working for me, that He is not against me, then who should I fear? No one can beat God, do more than God. No one is stronger than our mighty God. We are surrounded, like Eisha and his servant, by an army of angels, war fighting angels, who will protect us. With this is our minds, let us walk forward into each day knowing that God is working, even when we cannot see. For seeing is not believing, believing is seeing.
He gives us Roots so we can Fly. Roots and Wings.